Vue Js Worked Noted - Part 1

This doc useful to remember some new works that has been done in vue js

  • Bool in javascript

  • Downloadable Table Records

  • Redirect / redirect with params 

  • Set state and get state

  • Emit Function

  • JSON. parse()

  • Bind class Based on Condition


Set state and get state

Store - > apicore.js

import { scHelpers } from "~/assets/js/utils";

const { uniqueID } = scHelpers;

export const state = () => ({

  siteIds: []


export const getters = {

  getSiteIds(state) {

    return state.siteIds;



export const mutations = {

  setSiteIds(state, siteIds) {

    state.siteIds = siteIds;



export const actions = {

  fetchSiteIds({ commit, dispatch }) {

    const siteIds = [


        key: uniqueID(),

        value: 1



        key: uniqueID(),

        value: 2



        key: uniqueID(),

        value: 3



    commit("setSiteIds", siteIds);


In .vue Pages 

  computed: {


      siteIdOptions: "apicore/getSiteIds",


Redirect / redirect with params

  redirectToStateActions(crmState) {

      const redirectPath =

        "/crm_admin/crm_state/" + crmState.stateId + "/crm_state_action";



          path: redirectPath,





  • Bool in javascript







                          <option :value="true">True</option>

                          <option :value="false">False</option>


Downloadable Table Records



                  @click="() => CsvCustomersRegisteredButNotDeposited()"

                  class="sc-button sc-button-primary"




  button(@click="csvExport(csvData)") Export to CSV 



const vm = new Vue({

  el: "#app",

  data: {

    users: [],


  computed: {

    csvData() {

      return => ({


        address: 'адрес', //,

        company: 'компания'//




  methods: {

    csvExport(arrData) {

      let csvContent = "data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,";

      csvContent += [

        Object.keys(arrData[0]).join(";"), => Object.values(item).join(";"))



        .replace(/(^\[)|(\]$)/gm, "");

      const data = encodeURI(csvContent);

      const link = document.createElement("a");

      link.setAttribute("href", data);

      link.setAttribute("download", "export.csv");;




   redirectAgain() {

      const redirectPath =




          path: redirectPath,




  async CsvCustomersRegisteredButNotDeposited() {

      try {

        const payload = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.oRequest));

        payload.fromDtTm = this.$moment(payload.fromDtTm, dtTmFormat);

        payload.toDtTm = this.$moment(payload.toDtTm, dtTmFormat);

        payload.pageIndex = this.paginationRequest.currentPage;

        payload.pageSize = 100000;

        const requestUrl =



  const response = await this.$, payload);


        var fileURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([]));

        var fileLink = document.createElement("a");

        fileLink.href = fileURL;

        fileLink.setAttribute("download", "file.csv");


      } catch (error) {

        const message =

          "fetchCustomersRegisteredButNotDeposited Error => " + error;






 Emit Function 

Vue components have a $emit() function that allows you to pass custom events up the component tree. Vue. component('my-component', { mounted: function() { // `$emit()` sends an event up the component tree. ... All Vue instances have a $emit() function, including both top-level apps and individual components

JSON. parse()

  this.items.forEach((element) => {

          if (element.isSelected) {

            const item = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(element));


            item.systemSettingId = parseInt(element.systemSettingId);

            item.settingValInt = parseInt(element.settingValInt);

            item.siteId = parseInt(element.siteId);





The JSON. parse() method parses a JSON string, constructing the JavaScript value or object described by the string

The JSON. stringify() method converts a JavaScript object or value to a JSON string


Bind class


      isAuthenticated: 'isAuthenticated',
    IsAuth: function() {
          return '';
          return 'login';



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