tech note
Checking of Management Portal credentials should happen through API or direct in the existing application. If the account was not found, ? ( where to check this) then the browser should POST the same username/password over to the Management Portal via a JS POST. ( Which Api ) This page will likely be a modified version of the existing page to be easier to integrate to the login html application, and ideally should accept JSON payload posts and respond with JSON. If we can use the exact same login page control and simply check the payload before doing the normal load to know what “mode” it’s being requested to operate in. So if the content type is application/json, then we know to check the body as JSON to get the username and password to validate against DNN. The existing DNN/Management Portal authentication process will be used, if successful then then user will be authenticated, and the back end code will migrate the users by posting a registration request to the API, which will ad...